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COVID-19 Impacts and Information

We follow current state and local guidelines regarding COVID safety and precautions.

General Covid Policies and Procedures:

Children, Staff, Parents/Guardians, or any guests are asked to stay home if they:

-are showing symptoms of COVID-19.

-have been in close contact with someone who has confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in the last 14 days. (Health care providers and EMS workers who wore proper PPE are OK.)

In addition:

-We ask that Parent/Guardian takes the child’s temperature at home before each day of program and keep their child home that has a temperature of 100.4°F or higher.

-Staff with be monitoring for symptoms and helping maintain social distance to the best of their ability within reason.

-Staff will wear cloth masks if they need to be within 6ft of a child for an extended period of time.


-While the kids will not be asked to wear masks all day, Parents must send their kids with a clean and proper fitting cloth mask that could be worn when social distancing cannot be maintained or when entering any indoor space such as the bathroom.

-Parents will be asked to wear masks if they are within 6 ft of other adults or indoors while picking up and dropping off children. 

-Staff will wear masks indoors with children or if we need to be within 6 feet of children for any extended amount of time. 



-We will have regular hand washing as well as hand sanitizers available at all times. If your child has a particular aversion to certain sanitizers (smells or texture) and has a brand they prefer please send it with them.

-Group sizes will remain low.

-Parents will be asked to keep 6 ft of distance from other families and to wear masks at sign-in/sign-out.

-We will minimize sharing of equipment and tools and sanitizing high touch items with alcohol in between uses when we do.

-If your child shows any symptoms, they will be required to go home.

We know these times are difficult! We will get through it by working together to keep one another safe while still having fun!

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